Optimizing Database Performance in .NET Core with Delta Library

Optimizing Database Performance in .NET Core with Delta Library


Efficient database operations are crucial for performance in .NET Core applications. Frequent and unnecessary updates to the database can lead to high latency, increased resource usage, and degraded application responsiveness. The Delta library, developed by Simon Cropp, provides an elegant solution by implementing change tracking, ensuring that only modified properties are persisted. This approach significantly reduces database load and improves overall efficiency.

What is Delta Library?

The Delta library is a lightweight .NET library designed to track changes in objects and persist only the modified properties, rather than updating entire database records. This leads to improved performance by minimizing the amount of data being transmitted and processed.

Key Features

1. Change Tracking – Detects and persists only modified properties.

2. Optimized Database Updates – Reduces the amount of data being sent to the database.

3. Easy Integration – Works seamlessly with .NET Core applications and existing ORM frameworks like Entity Framework Core.

4. Minimal Code Changes – Requires little modification to existing application logic.

5. Improved Performance – Reduces database load, leading to faster query execution and lower resource consumption.

Installing Delta Library in .NET Core

To get started, install the Delta library via NuGet:

dotnet add package Delta

Using Delta Library in a .NET Core Application

1. Defining a Model

public class User


    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

    public int Age { get; set; }


2. Tracking Changes with Delta

using Delta;

using System;

var originalUser = new User { Id = 1, Name = "John Doe", Age = 30 };

var updatedUser = new User { Id = 1, Name = "John Smith", Age = 30 };

var delta = Delta<User>.Create(originalUser, updatedUser);

if (delta.HasChanges)


    Console.WriteLine("Changes detected:");

    foreach (var change in delta.Changes)


        Console.WriteLine($"{change.Name}: {change.OriginalValue} -> {change.CurrentValue}");



3. Applying Changes to the Database

When using Entity Framework Core, Delta can be used to update only modified properties:

using (var context = new AppDbContext())


    var user = context.Users.Find(updatedUser.Id);

    if (user != null)


        var delta = Delta<User>.Create(user, updatedUser);

        foreach (var change in delta.Changes)


            context.Entry(user).Property(change.Name).CurrentValue = change.CurrentValue;





Benefits of Using Delta in .NET Core

Reduces Database Load – Updates only changed fields instead of entire records.

Enhances Performance – Improves query execution speed and reduces unnecessary data operations.

Easy to Implement – Works well with existing applications and ORMs.

Scalable Solution – Ideal for high-traffic applications that require efficient database interactions.

The rowversion column can be used to track changes to rows in your database, and in your case, you'd like to cache data based on the rowversion column.

Here's how you can do that using the Delta library in combination with Entity Framework to cache a SQL table and use the rowversion field to track row versions.


1. Retrieve rows from the SQL table, including the rowversion column.

2. Use Delta to cache the rows, ensuring that the cache is dependent on the rowversion value.

3. Retrieve and use cached data based on the rowversion value.


1. Set up SQL Table and Entity Framework Model

Suppose you have a SQL table that contains the rowversion column:




    Name NVARCHAR(100),

    RowVersion ROWVERSION


This table uses the ROWVERSION column to track changes to the rows.

2. Define Entity Framework Model

Your MyRow model should include the RowVersion column to match the SQL table:

using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;

namespace DeltaCacheExample


    public class MyRow


        public int Id { get; set; }

        public string Name { get; set; }

        public byte[] RowVersion { get; set; } // This maps to the SQL `rowversion` column


    public class MyDbContext : DbContext


        public DbSet<MyRow> Rows { get; set; }

        protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder options)






3. Use Delta Library to Cache Rows Based on RowVersion

Now, use Delta to cache rows and ensure that changes are tracked based on the RowVersion.

using Delta;

using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

namespace DeltaCacheExample


    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            // Step 1: Initialize the DbContext to access the SQL table

            using (var context = new MyDbContext())


                // Step 2: Retrieve rows from SQL table, including the `RowVersion`

                var rows = context.Rows.ToList();

                // Step 3: Create a DeltaCache to store rows based on their `RowVersion`

                var cache = new DeltaCache<MyRow>(rows, row => BitConverter.ToString(row.RowVersion));

                // Step 4: Cache rows based on their `RowVersion`

                Console.WriteLine("Caching rows:");

                foreach (var row in rows)


                    Console.WriteLine($"Id: {row.Id}, Name: {row.Name}, RowVersion: {BitConverter.ToString(row.RowVersion)}");


                // Cache the data (based on `RowVersion`)

                cache.Get("CacheVersion1"); // Here, we use the row's `RowVersion` to create the cache key

                // Step 5: Retrieve cached data based on `RowVersion`

                Console.WriteLine("\nRetrieving rows from cache:");

                var cachedRows = cache.All(); // Get all cached rows

                foreach (var row in cachedRows)


                    Console.WriteLine($"Id: {row.Id}, Name: {row.Name}, RowVersion: {BitConverter.ToString(row.RowVersion)}");


                // Step 6: Optionally: Handle changes in the database (e.g., an update to `RowVersion`)

                var updatedRow = context.Rows.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == 1);

                if (updatedRow != null)


                    updatedRow.Name = "Updated Name";


                    Console.WriteLine($"\nUpdated row with Id: {updatedRow.Id}");


                // After saving changes, you can clear the cache and reload it based on the new `RowVersion`


                // Reload and cache rows after update

                var updatedRows = context.Rows.ToList();

                cache.Get("CacheVersion2"); // Update cache key based on new version or timestamp

                Console.WriteLine("\nCached rows after update:");

                foreach (var row in updatedRows)


                    Console.WriteLine($"Id: {row.Id}, Name: {row.Name}, RowVersion: {BitConverter.ToString(row.RowVersion)}");







1. MyRow class includes the RowVersion property to represent the rowversion column in the database. The type is byte[] because SQL Server's rowversion is a binary value.

2. DeltaCache<MyRow> is used to store and cache the rows based on their RowVersion. In this case, we are converting the RowVersion byte array to a string using BitConverter.ToString(row.RowVersion) to create a unique key for each cached version.

3. cache.Get("CacheVersion1"): You can create a unique cache key based on the RowVersion. In this example, the cache key is just a string based on the RowVersion. You could use a more complex scheme if needed (e.g., storing timestamps or concatenating multiple row values).

4. Reloading the cache: When the RowVersion column changes (e.g., when you update the row in the database), you can clear the cache and reload the data. The RowVersion will change automatically in SQL Server, so you can track changes and refresh the cache accordingly.

5. BitConverter.ToString(row.RowVersion): This converts the rowversion byte array into a string to be used as a cache key. You could also use the raw byte[] value if needed, but converting it to a string makes it easier to work with.

Key Points:

rowversion is a unique identifier that automatically changes whenever a row is updated, so it's perfect for versioning data.

Delta allows you to cache data based on the rowversion field and refresh the cache when the version changes.

The RowVersion column can help implement an efficient mechanism for detecting changes and caching the latest data.

This pattern helps ensure you're working with the most recent version of your data by using the rowversion as the versioning mechanism for cache invalidation or updates.


The Delta library provides a powerful mechanism for optimizing database updates in .NET Core applications. By leveraging its change-tracking capabilities, developers can minimize redundant data operations, enhance application performance, and create more efficient data-driven applications. Whether you are working on small-scale applications or large enterprise systems, integrating Delta into your .NET Core projects can lead to significant improvements in database performance and responsiveness.


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