5 min Recap for Andrew Ng Deep Learning Specialization-Course 3 - Structuring Machine Learning Projects


Structuring Machine Learning Projects

There can be multiple probable ideas to improve deep-learning projects.In order to narrow-down the probabilities there are some strategies to solve them.
Orthogonalization is the process of knowing which strings to pull in order to get the desired effect.For instance-
There are 4-basic objectives while building a model-

  • Fit Dev set well on cost function.
    If not ,then use regularization or bigger training set
  • Fit test set well on cost function.
    Bigger dev set requires
  • Performs well on real world problem.
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  • Satisfying-Metric ,if its value is above the required threshold then it is not ok for the model.
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Error Analysis is manually examining what mistakes the algorithm is making.Instead of directing proposing a new change in model,it is wise to to error analysis by manually labelling and then checking how much improvement in error rate can be obtained.

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  • Then making training set similar to dev/test set y collecting more similar data or by artificial synthesis(NLP problem-car noise).
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