What is a 'User Story'
User Story - A user story is a description of a requirement from a user's point of view. - Requirements are captured on a piece of card, 3 by 5 inches in dimension. -Each User Story should fullfil The INVEST Principle: Independent Each uses story should be self-contained from all the other user stories in the product backlog. Why That to avoid getting the project in a situation where you cann't start a user story owing to the fact that this story have a dependency on another story. Negotiable Negotiable means that all the team members with different roles, are able, at all times, to negotiate what is on a user story by having a discussion with the product owner. Why To make sure that the right decision is made, on all dimensions (Technical, Bussiness, Testing, Data...etc). Valuable Valuable means to make sure that any user story actually really has a value. Why To make sure that nothing is done unless it's really going to give a return on investment ...